Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lakes Region Junior High Music Festival

Last Friday, our school sent some students to the Lakes Region Junior High Music Festival. It was an all-day music festival where hundreds of very talented students gathered to rehearse four pieces for each band and chorus. They performed the pieces for friends, family and community members in the evening. It went really well!

You'll notice our music playlist was changed - NOW, it has rehearsal recordings from the Lakes Region Junior High Music Festival. Remember - this was not only our school, this was a very large group of students from many different schools. We only deserve a small part of the credit!

I'd like to list names of conductors, directors and other teachers that helped organize, but I haven't asked them for permission and it would be wrong to do so otherwise.

Lastly, remember that these are rehearsal recordings. That means that these were taken early in the day before the concert. Since these recordings, band and chorus both improved even further! If you think they sound good NOW in rehearsal and recorded on an iphone, just wait until we get our professionally recorded CDs of their concert in the mail! Those tracks will be unavailable for download, but you will be able to listen to them here.

If you'd like to download these songs, feel free! They were recorded by me. Follow the link below to the download page.
Enjoy the music!!!!

-Mr. F

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